
Fact of the Week: June 29, 2015

When a tree in the Alpine Zone is found stunted and wind swept it is called Krummholz. This means "crooked wood" in German. 


Fact of the Week: July 21, 2015

There is a non-native, invasive fungus called white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola), which attacks White Pines, even Sugar Pines (Pinus lambertiana) in the Sierras. Blister rust is incurable for the white pines, however about 3% to 5% of Sugar Pines and Western White Pines (Pinus monticola) are resistant to the fungus.

Fact of the Week: June 24, 2015

The only species of bears currently found in California and Nevada are Black Bears, Ursus americanus. However, they do range in color from blonde to black, with cinnamon brown being the most common color.

Cite: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/ltbmu/learning/nature-science/?cid=fsm9_046599
Ursus americanus


Fact of the Week: June 15, 2015

Reykjavik, Iceland, being the northernmost capital on our planet, has a long summer solstice. This year on June 21, they will have 21 hours and 45 minutes of daylight.

Cite: http://www.accuweather.com/en/features/trend/five-world-capitals-shortest-daylight/41734413


Fact of the Week: June 8, 2015

The temperature of the air in a lightning channel may reach as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 5 times hotter than the surface (photosphere) of the sun.

Cite: NOAA


Fact of the Week: June 1, 2015

Saturn is the only planet in our Solar System that could float in water, if you could find a sea large enough to hold it that is. Its density is only 0.13 that of Earth.
Cite: NASA